Written November 17, 2017, 03:30 AM
Why I hide my birthday?
I grew up in a family where we were getting used to not being showy. My parents last greeted me personally when I was eight and returned greeting me via text when I turned adult. It’s the way things are.
When I was in high school, a classmate shouted that it was my birthday, but a mean girl protested and said it was not. I agreed with her and since then I deny that it was my birthday.
I’ve always hidden the date because it feels awkward to be greeted by people. I am not used to it. I feel that people will just greet me because an alert notified them or a bandwagon of greetings. I am afraid of getting disappointed.
How was it every year?
I am excited every year for my birthday, but I always do not make it big. When I moved out, I make sure to always go home to my parents’ house and celebrate with my family. I will eat with my close friends or spend a movie date with my then boyfriend, now husband.
Some years, I’ve expected a surprise, but it never happened. Except for my sister who placed a stopper on our bedroom door so I can pick up her birthday note.
I played the role where for every celebration I am the mastermind of surprises and preparations, never the celebrant. I reckon will I ever receive a surprise in the future because they will not be able to pull it off. LOL
I do not know if my birthday will always be like this as time goes by. Maybe if I change my attitude towards it.
This year, 2017
I woke up with tons of work to do in today’s event (shameless plugging for Manila Workshops, Facebook Ads Training). I left the house around 6 PM to have dinner and continued to answer attendee’s query for tomorrow’s workshop.
My blog besties greeted me already (Katleya and Genzel). I feel so amazing to be reconnected with my first love blogging and business ideas. My husband gave me the warmest hug, he was even asking where to eat. He brought me a selfie stick for the action cam so I can start taking videos. (We ate at the Blue Post Boiling Crab then watch Thor Ragnarok)
The thing is I am 28 and I am broke (Sorry guys I cannot treat you all this year). I’ll save the reason for another story, but I want to share 28 things I have learned (and will continue learning) because I have always delayed this post since my 25th birthday.
28 Things I’ve learned
- Stop being insecure and love yourself.
- Know your worth (relationships and career)
- Learn to walk away from things you cannot control. It is okay to give up some battles.
- It is okay to say NO.
- Stop pleasing others because you won’t please them.
- Follow your passion and listen to your heart.
- Take care of your body – physically, mentally, emotionally. Eat right, exercise daily, and meditate.
- Be consistent with everything.
- Have discipline.
- Be loving and kind.
- Keep your plans to yourself.
- Be a caring and forgiving wife. Take care of your husband and he will reciprocate.
- Do one thing every day to reach your dreams.
- Do not be afraid to take risks. Quit work if you have to. Do not sleep if need to.
- Be honest with yourself and to others.
- Save money and invest. Get wise financially.
- Get more income source and live within your means.
- Pay debts. Never run away from them.
- Always give thanks and pray. Have a gratitude journal.
- Have faith. Things will fall into place.
- Share your knowledge. Teach others and duplicate yourself. Mentor someone.
- Ask for help. Do not be the know-all people because you really do not know it all.
- Write your goals and set a deadline.
- Plan ahead and have many versions of them.
- Stop procrastinating. You’ll have a headache if you delay tasks.
- Believe in yourself because it is all in the mind.
- Fight loneliness and emptiness. Talk to someone or cry it out or write it out.
- Choose to be happy.
To my older self
I know they are simple, but these things helped me at least grasp the reality. Hopefully, I will be consistent with all the habit I have developed from these things.
Hence, my birthday wish is for me to have a clear mind to see what is ahead of me. You know I always wish to be a mom and for my career to boom. But instead, I am also wishing to have stronger faith, longer patience, and perseverance, to be ready to receive the blessings I am longing for.
I guess starting next year I will announce my birthday so I could at least take a birthday leave (and receive gifts LOL). It is not too late to change, right?
Thank you, family, friends, mentors, and all of you for the gift of love, friendship, and knowledge. You all contributed to the brilliant 28 years of my life.
To my husband, who makes me happy every day, I love you.
Finally, to the mighty creator, who gave me another year to be alive, thank you for guiding me.
Are you celebrating your birthday too? Smile. We’ll all get there.