This year is a roller coaster ride, I have been at my lowest. For the first time in years, all the new year’s traditions I’ve done was gone. As if I ran out of time preparing for my most favorite time of the year. New Year is my favorite because of its hope it gave me to start fresh. Change is everywhere and maybe for the better.
Several events led me to decide which aspect of life I should focus on. And although I had days where I will shut down completely and cry for reasons I can’t share and explain, I am thankful for everything that happened to me. I am thankful for the people who are around me.
This year I was able to do most of my goals written in my planner. 👊
- Go Freelance – more events, please!
- Lose weight – 7.1 kilograms and counting
- Exercise regularly
- Pay off debts (not yet done though)
- Get my laptop – Thank you, Husband!
- Read my devotion book
- Enhance skills – UDEMY + Experience
I was able to grab once in a lifetime opportunity too.
- Makati Hope Speaking Engagement (January)
- Finished 48 events (includes former company events, own clients, and freelance gigs)
- Booked 2018 clients – Keep them coming!
- Meet new friends and mentors
The journey has been shaky cause I must admit sadness wins most of the time. Even up to this day of writing this post, I feel empty. But I chose to get up, show up, cry it out, and finish stronger. I look at it just like my intense workout where I am out a breath, heart pumping like crazy, almost passing out. After 60 seconds rest, I am fueled for the next round.
Things may be hard, to begin with, but do not give up. Rest for a bit and try again. Try until you reach the finish line.
My hopes are up for 2018 I believe that everything will fall into place just as long I work hard for it. I pray to be stronger so I can face every day ready.
Thank you 2017.
Have a Happy New Year everyone!
Let us make 2018 a different one.

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