Funny Makeup for Sunday


I’ve been seeing a lot of making tags over YouTube and most of them are all serious. My favorite makeup tag would be my Boyfriend does my makeup tag because we all know that not all men are fond of makeups.

My college friend Marga and her husband Maui made me laugh with their tag videos and they are requesting if me and le bf can do the same.

Let me share some of their videos to give you a good laugh.

I like them because they are so funny unlike me who is so serious. We are planning to collaborate a funny talk show to let you guys know that I am not the nosebleed type of girl when you talk to me.

(O yeah I get comments that the reason I don’t a have much readers is because I blog this way)

But hey I am pretty funny and clumsy, ask my friends.

Anyhow, I wish me and le bf can do  videos like this in the future.

Please hit subscribe to MyChannelNow to view more husband and wife adventures.

Happy Sunday everyone, keep on laughing.



  1. Eyah May 8, 2013
    • Sam Lanuza May 9, 2013

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