In three weeks cupid will be flying around to point his arrow and make people fall in love. Though expressing love should not be during the heart’s day alone this is also the time of the year to be a little more romantic (and kinky).
I got this naughty set of things from Eden Fantasy’s and when I first saw it I have a big grin on my face. I believe this should be a bridal gift or honeymoon gift.
It contains flirty Body mist with sex attractant, intimate shave crème with sex attractant, Oral Sex Gel, Soy Massage Candle with sex attractant, and a lip balm.
This gift is very kinky.
I like the tag lines of each bottle – “wanna be sexy, wanna be naked, wanna be aroused, wanne be wild, and wanna be kissable”
They are so catchy and the bottles are so girly.
All of them smell heavenly. I didn’t know that Pink Cupcake smells that way.
What I do know about Body Mist is that you apply it apply your lotion. It’s not a perfume nor a cologne. It is used to layer the scent so that when you passed by people will turn heads. Since this one have Sex Attractant I don’t think this should be used in public place you might attract everyone. LOL
This one smells like an icing. Who wants to have hair bumps when touched right? I have used this one already and it’s very thick. It’s like a ticker version of a conditioner and it’s easy to rinse. It’s like you already applied a lotion.
This is the most awkward product for me. What I did was I took a small amount on my hands and licked it, it tasted like a strawberry jam. It’s awkward in a sense because in the Philippines talking about or showing off these kind of things are taboo. At least between friends you can toss it to one another and give it a try. I believe no one promotes something like this but we all know that there some who are adventurous right? Let’s not be hypocrites (I just hope no minor is reading this post)
Of all the products included this one ripped my curiosity. I will call myself naïve because it’s my first time to see and know about a massage candle. It smells so good. I thought this is an aromatic candle but this one is a massage oil where you will lit the candlewick and the product will burn as oil then you are going to scoop it with this little spoon and pour over your partner’s body.
I am little excited to use this. hmmm
This girly lip balm. It tasted like vanilla but it is on my vanity and haven’t used it because I became a little dizzy when I tried it. Cherry, Mint, or strawberry is still my lip balm flavor.
Did you become curious about this products? You may check out their website and look for this Crazy Girl Holiday Gift Set.
Happy Friday everyone! I might take an early off today to recover.
Be healthy and stay warm.